National consultation on global partnership held by The President delivery unit for post 2015 development agenda (UKP4) on 20-21 February 2013, just finished. As Indonesia will host the final outreach forum for High Level Panel of United Nation on 25-27 March 2013 in Bali, it is extremely important to ensure that the instrument of implementation for Post 2015 is sufficiently discussed among civil societies. The reason is HLP outreach in London and Monrovia mostly talked about the impact of MDGs to vulnerable groups, though there has indication in discussing about structural transformation using framing of economic transformation, but detail "technical how" to interpret this was quite unclear.
In respon to global partnership, in line with discussion of economic transformation, there was strong voice on issue of shifting paradigm as the only condition to implement the agenda of post 2015 development. The reason is the current economic politic system clearly gave tremendous problems in inequality, high rate of martenal and infant mortality rate, estreme poverty, violence against women, disaster, low participations etc. To say in simple word that there are some unachieved goal of MDGs.
I can see a little light on the future post 2015, when issue of Sovreinity (kedaulatan) has highlighted by private sector and civil societies in the consultation meeting, in which any policy must not weaken people and state. It means we have to shift our paradigm quickly to see how global structure has weaken the state as well as people. When CSO talks about sovreinity, it is significant to take into account some principles to guide the new system are;
- improve capacity of people and state
- create strong resiliences and flesxibility among people
- women human rights based approach
- respect to environement
- orient to peacebuilding
1. Democratization of international agency under UN and finance and trade organization such as WTO, IMF and World Bank
2. Eliminate all conditions of loan which cause weaken of state and people
3. CSR must be implemented correctly under control of people, and should considere the sustainable environment, peace, and women human rights.
4. good governance and democracy should be strongly embaded to perpectice of policy makers and means of implementation of the framework.
But still to think about where should we start to do transformation? ***